Introduction This is Johann from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. In this article, we will discuss the presentation "Delta Sharing: The Key Data Mesh Enabler," which explains the enablers of data mesh. This presenta…
はじめに GLB事業部Global Engineering部 ヨハンです。 今回は、データメッシュのエンエーブラーについて解説する講演「Delta Sharing: The Key Data Mesh Enabler」を取り上げます。この講演では、データメッシュの主要なエンエーブラーであるDelta Sha…
Data Innovation with Power BI and Databricks This is Johann from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. I would like to provide an easy-to-understand explanation of Microsoft's presentation "Next-Level Analytics with Pow…
Power BIとDatabricksがもたらすデータイノベーション GLB事業部Global Engineering部 ヨハンです。 今回は、Microsoftの講演「Next-Level Analytics with Power BI and Databricks」について、わかりやすく解説していきたいと思います。この講演では、P…
Practical Limitations and Potential Benefits of AI - Data + AI Summit Keynote Day 2 This is Johann from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. Today, we bring you a report from the Data + AI Summit Keynote Day 2, which i…
AIの実用的な限界と潜在的な利点 - Data + AI Summit Keynote Day 2 GLB事業部Global Engineering部 ヨハンです。 Data + AI Summit Keynote Day 2のレポートをお届けします。今回は、AIの実用的な限界と潜在的な利点についての話題が盛りだくさんです。前…
Efforts and Technological Innovations for the Democratization of Data and AI - Data + AI Summit Keynote Day 2 This is Johann from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. Today, I would like to talk about the keynote presen…
データとAIの民主化に向けた取り組みと技術革新 - Data + AI Summit Keynote Day 2 GLB事業部Global Engineering部 ヨハンです。 今回は、Data + AI Summit Keynote Day 2の講演についてお話ししたいと思います。この講演では、データとAIの民主化に向け…
Discussing the Future and Evolution of AI at the Data + AI Summit Keynote Day 2 This is Johann from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. Hello, everyone. Today, I would like to talk about the presentations at the Data …
AIの将来と進化について議論されたData + AI Summit Keynote Day 2 GLB事業部Global Engineering部 ヨハンです。 今回は、Data + AI Summit Keynote Day 2の講演についてお話ししたいと思います。この講演では、AIの将来と進化について話し合い、AIの価値…
Introduction This is May from the GLB Division Lakehouse Department. I will share "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Delta Lake Streaming" on improving the data collection process, as reported by members attending the Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) i…
Introduction I'm Sasaki from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. I participated in the local Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) and wrote an article summarizing the content of the session. Articles about the session at DAIS are…
Introduction This is Abe from the Lakehouse Department of the GLB Division. I wrote an article summarizing the content of the session based on the report by Mr. Gibo, who is participating in Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) on site. Articles ab…
Introduction This is May from the GLB Division Lakehouse Department. Based on reports from members participating in the local Data + AI SUMMIT 2023 (DAIS), Share "The Future of Data Management and Governance" about the future of data manag…
Introduction This is May from the GLB Division Lakehouse Department. "Embracing the Future of Data Engineering: The Serverless, Real- Share Time Lakehouse in Action. This session was conducted by Frank Munz, a technical reporter specializi…
Introduction I'm Sasaki from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. I wrote an article summarizing the content of the session based on the report by Mr. Gibo, who is participating in Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) on site. Art…
Introduction This is May from the GLB Division Lakehouse Department. We will share "Data Biases and Generative AI: A Practitioner Discussion" on data biases and generative AI based on reports from members participating in the local Data + …
Introduction This is May from the GLB Division Lakehouse Department. Based on reports from members participating in the local Data + AI SUMMIT 2023 (DAIS), a new architecture that combines a data warehouse and a data lake, "The Best Data W…
Introduction This Chen from GLB Business Department Lakehouse Department. I watched the Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) webcast session "Learn How to Reliably Monitor Your Data and Model Quality in the Lakehouse". I will tell you the contents …
Introduction This is Abe from the Lakehouse Department of the GLB Division. I wrote an article summarizing the content of the session based on reports from Mr. Ichimura participating in Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS). Articles about the sessi…
I'm Chen from the Lakehouse Department of the GLB Division. Based on a report by Mr. Nagasato, who is participating in Data + AI SUMMIT 2023 (DAIS2023) held in San Francisco, "How to Build LLMs on Your Company's Data While on a Budget" Her…
Introduction This is May from the GLB Division Lakehouse Department. We will share "Data Application Bundles: A Standard, Unified Approach to Deploying Data Products on Databricks" based on reports from members participating in the local D…
Introduction I'm Chen from the Lakehouse Department of the GLB Division. Based on a report by Mr. Gibo who is participating in Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS2023) held in San Francisco, "Best Practices for Running Efficient Apache Spark™ Workl…
Introduction I'm Sasaki from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. I wrote an article summarizing the content of the session based on reports from Mr. Ichimura participating in Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS). Articles about t…
Introduction This is Abe from the Lakehouse Department of the GLB Division. I wrote an article summarizing the content of the session based on the report by Mr. Gibo, who is participating in Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) on site. Articles ab…
Introduction This is May from the GLB Division Lakehouse Department. Based on reports from members participating in the local Data + AI SUMMIT 2023 (DAIS), Share "LLMOps: Everything You Need to Know to Manage LLMs". This session was conduc…
Introduction I'm Sasaki from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. I wrote an article summarizing the contents of the session based on the report by Mr. Nagae, who is participating in Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) on site. A…
Introduction I'm Chen from the Lakehouse Department of the GLB Division. Based on a report by Mr. Nagasato who is participating in Data + AI SUMMIT 2023 (DAIS2023) held in San Francisco, "What's New in Databricks SQL -- With Live Demos" I …
I'm Chen from the Lakehouse Department of the GLB Division. Based on a report by Mr. Nagasato, who is participating in Data + AI SUMMIT 2023 (DAIS2023) held in San Francisco, he will discuss the theme of "Accelerating the Development of Vi…
I'm Chen from the Lakehouse Department of the GLB Division. Based on reports from cities and villages participating in Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS2023) held in San Francisco, "What's New with Data Sharing and Collaboration on the Lakehouse:…