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GitHub Copilotのコンテキストスコープを調べる

はじめに こんにちは、ACS事業部の瀧澤です。 普段Copilotを使っている中で、コード提案の元になるコンテキストはどのファイルまでを読み込んでいるのか、ふと疑問に思いました。 公式ページには以下のような記載があります。 GitHub Copilot は、編集中のフ…

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Delta Lake Streaming

Introduction This is May from the GLB Division Lakehouse Department. I will share "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Delta Lake Streaming" on improving the data collection process, as reported by members attending the Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) i…

Delta Live Tables A to Z: Best Practices for Modern Data Pipelines Part 1

Introduction I'm Sasaki from the Global Engineering Department of the GLB Division. I participated in the local Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) and wrote an article summarizing the content of the session. Articles about the session at DAIS are…

Real-Time Streaming Solution for a Call Center Analytics: Business Challenges and Technical Enablement

Introduction This is Abe from the Lakehouse Department of the GLB Division. I wrote an article summarizing the content of the session based on the report by Mr. Gibo, who is participating in Data + AI SUMMIT2023 (DAIS) on site. Articles ab…